TRA – Territory, Research, Architecture

The TRA laboratory - Territory, Research, Architecture - is a research laboratory oriented towards the integration of different disciplines - architectural design, urban environmental planning, environmental hygiene, restoration, architectural technology, valuation, soil science and ecology- with respect to the themes of the design at the various scales. 

A strong and omnipresent reference to interdisciplinarity and contamination of knowledge, and attention to the multiple relationships between spatial moves and social, psychological, historical, environmental, economic, ethical, political, and ecological factors, characterize TRA.

Therefore, TRA recalls a space of coexistence and intersection between different dimensions. It is no coincidence that one of the research issues developed is linked to the theories of liminality. Liminality theories lead to privilege a particular field of investigation represented by situations - which can be spatial, cultural, social, political – that are borderline, nuanced, transitional, in between.

Sustainability is another transversal issue that now is constitutive of contemporary design. This issue involves ethics, environmental quality, the organization of space at various scales - from territory to building - the construction techniques, and the relationship with the existing, according to combinations that are still partly unheard of. In this field, interdisciplinarity is a fundamental attitude to formulate proposals capable of facing the complexity of the topic.

This complexity does not concern only the design but also the management consequent to it, management more coherent with the contemporary reality that requires overcoming the classic public or private one to build an alternative, hybrid and therefore collective.