Giovedì, 27 Ottobre 2022
ore: Dalle 10:30 alle 13:30

Materializing Ideas: the architecture of O.M. Ungers and R. Koolhaas

Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Juharia 2° piano
Immagine conferenza

Introduce e coordina: Fabio Bacchini | DADU, Università degli Studi di Sassari
Lara Schrijver | University of Antwerp - Faculty of Design Sciences

Materializing Ideas: the architecture of O.M. Ungers and R. Koolhaas

27 Ottobre 2022  
dalle 10:30 alle 13:30
Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Juharia 2° piano
Codice Microsoft Teams: v4jrtvk -

This lecture explores the work of Oswald Mathias Ungers and Rem Koolhaas as expression of a deep-seated engagement with both the disciplinary ideals of architecture, and the everyday constraints of material articulation. Their oeuvres, a combination of building, thinking, teaching and writing, construct an intellectual discourse that is inherently design-based. Revisiting some of their work of the 1970s and 80s provides a foundation for recalibrating architecture today.

Lara Schrijver is professor in architecture theory at the University of Antwerp Faculty of Design Sciences. She has served as editor for OASE journal for architecture and is editor for the KNOB Bulletin. She is the author of Radical Games (2009) and has published and lectured widely on twentieth-century architecture and its theories.