Referente – Emilio Barchiesi | DADU, Università degli Studi di Sassari
Bilen Emek Abali | Uppsala University
Multiphysics computation of electrified tissue
25 settembre 2023 dalle 17:30 alle 19:30
Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Mossa | S2b
Codice e link Microsoft Teams: sc88C8 - Link:
Electrically induced tissue damage is a coupled phenomenon in multiphysics. Conducting electricity produces heat and this increases the temperature. Electromagnetism, thermomechanics, and damage modeling creates a set of coupled and nonlinear field equations, by solving them with the aid of the finite element method, we compute a realistic example where the tissue absorbs the electric energy, converts to heat, and gets burnt due to the excessive temperature increase.
After studying and working at the universities in Istanbul, Munich, Berlin, Berkeley, and Ghent, B. E. Abali joined the faculty at Uppsala University in Sweden. His first research monograph in Springer is entitled as Computational Reality, presenting thermodynamical derivation of coupled phenomena involving thermomechanics with electromagnetism in solids and fluids as well as their computation via the finite element method with the aid of open-source codes developed under the FEniCS project