Martedì, 16 Aprile 2024
ore: Dalle 11:00 alle 13:00
Seminari e convegni


Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Melis | S1b
seminario sessa

Referente – Emilio Barchiesi | DADU, Università degli Studi di Sassari

Salvatore Sessa | Università di Napoli "Federico II”
Towards design of dissipative metamaterials: formulation and identification of symmetric and asymmetric hysteretic materials

16 Aprile 2024 dalle 11:00 alle 13:00
Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Melis | S1b
Codice e link Microsoft Teams: GNprHY – Link:

Within the context of nonlinear analysis of structural systems presenting hysteretic phenomena, a class of phenomenological constitutive models has been recently presented and extended to asymmetric loops with softening and hardening behaviour.

Compared to models having similar behaviours, such classes are significantly more efficient being capable of providing closed form responses without using iterative procedures nor differential relationships. Nevertheless, because of their phenomenological characterization, their parameters need to be properly calibrated by matching experimental hysteresis loops. Parameter identification turns out to be particularly complex in the case of the asymmetric case since they cannot be directly related to physical properties of the experimental response.

The present presentation investigates an identification procedure based on the optimization of least-square residuals defined in terms of response amplitude and stiffness.

Salvatore Sessa is associate professor at the university of Naples Federico II were he got a master degree in Civil Engineering and a PhD in Engineering of Material and Structures. During his PhD course he spent a 18-months appointment as visiting scholar at the University of California, and developed research activities on random vibration analysis of nonlinear systems with asymmetric hysteresis.

After graduation, he worked as postdoc at the University of Naples Parthenope and at the Politecnico di Milano where he researched cohesive fracture and mechanical identification of bonded interfaces. Since 2016, he has been working at the University of Naples Federico II as Assistant Professor and therefore as Associate Professor.

He is author of more than 20 scientific papers published in international journals and his research interests include computational mechanics of solids and structures with particular focus on the identification of nonlinear systems. Recently, his activities investigated quasi-brittle fracture of continuum by strain-gradient models.